There are many methods and tools to share such information (newsletters, forums, emails, wikis, etc) but I think a blog is the most effective. There are blogs for all topics under the sun and ‘experts’ dishing out the latest and greatest recipes from air-soup to retire-now schemes. However, I see a blog as a strong tool in this case since it’s:
- accessible
- familiar to most people who deal with ET
- Educational Technologists have similar issues around the world and can (are willing to?) exchange ideas and concerns with fellow experts.
So with the right tool in hand, I lunge forward to reach out and bring in the various issues in ET that concern my tenure at the Foreign Language Center at the Ohio State University. I hope the faculty and other ETs (around the world) can also weigh in and share their comments and advice to kick this into gear. So, without further adieu…Lets Blog!
Technologies Used : MS Word, Mozilla Firefox, google search (for articles on 'blogging tips', images on 'blog dummy book')
Contact me:
Sujan Manandhar
Instructional Aids Associate,
Foreign Language Center
Ohio State University
another blog that I had written in October or so - Sujan M