Sunday, August 29, 2010

Top Five on Twitter - Columbus Events

People from all walks of life ask me why and how I use Twitter. Why I use Twitter is because it is my primary source of information from people and organizations that I think are the best in the business. I get my news, tech information, local events, and even humor and daily inspiration from Twitter. They all pop-up in my Twitter page and I glance at it a few times a day and sometimes look at the links that are mentioned. These few minutes give me a wealth of information on things that I need and care about the most.

How I use Twitter is still a work in progress since it has evolved from following a bunch of random people to now (more) knowing what and whom I follow (and un-follow). I look at lists for the best tweeters in the various fields I am most interested (example - education, technology, sports, entertainment, local events, etc) and pick the top few (on my own terms) and follow them for a while and then keep or un-follow them, if need be. I also try and keep the tweeters between 50-75 so that my Twitter page is not cluttered.

In the next few posts, I will provide a Top Five list of accounts that I follow and recommend – according to categories like Technology, Education, Entertainment, Local events, etc. For those of you are who are new to Twitter, or are considering Twitter, or even looking for a strategy, these TOP FIVE lists will be a good launching pad for your own Twitter account.

I start with local events (in Columbus) since technology and education will surely scare off some people, and I want you to get a feel of how Twitter can get you information that can be useful in your personal life (besides your professional).

Top Five - Columbus Events and News

AccountWhatMy Comments
# 5
614 Magazine
Information on local events and discounts on food and entertainmentQuite Random. Needs better organization. Feels like spam at times. But still very useful!
# 4
Sandbox Columbus
Coworking community in Columbus – good place to network and learn about shared resourcesNot enough Tweets and quite specific. Maybe not for everyone. And too many 'join us' tweets.
# 3
Experience Columbus
Things to do in Columbus from the former Greater Columbus Convention and Visitors BureauSometimes too many tweets and links on things that are general and covered by other tweeters.
# 2
Fake Dispatch
Humorous look at news (mostly) from the Columbus regionFunny and informative at the same time. Can you handle it?
# 1
Columbus Underground
Complete look at local events and entertainment from the ColumbusUnderground folks.The best view and review of not just local events and entertainment, but city development and planning in a very organized Twitter account.

Technologies discussed: Twitter, Short Messaging Service, SMS, Search Strategies

Contact me:
Sujan Manandhar
Technology Integration Specialist,
Foreign Language Center
Ohio State University

Follow me on Twitter - aarkae