Carmen is the course management system (CMS) for Ohio State University. Desire2Learn (D2L) provides the redesigned system behind Carmen. Like most CMS, Carmen has a lot of features that are very helpful for instructors and students. However, like many other CMS, they are hard to learn and maintain for instructors.
My boss (a professor) came up with an idea that should help most instructors. She stated that Carmen can have a simplified version that helps instructors basically know what they need the most – upload syllabus, upload some content, and manage grades. She called it ‘Carmen Lite’. I liked the idea and decided to purse this in order to help OSU instructors. I will provide here some of the most essential pages need to know Carmen without having to learn the entire Carmen system.
One of the most useful and important aspects of Carmen is the news page. Since this is what students see first when they enter the CMS. Instructors can input the most important items in this section – like the syllabus. Here is how you can do this. Lets upload your Syllabus file:
Go to your class homepage.
Click on the + icon (New News Item)
Type the CONTENT
You can also enter when the Item will be available in AVAILABILITY (Do not worry about this)
To add your syllabus file, Click ADD A FILE
- Browse and find a file your syllabus file your computer
- Click ADD
- Click UPLOAD.
Click SAVE
That’s it!
Contact me:
Sujan Manandhar
Technology Integration Specialist,
Foreign Language Center
Ohio State University